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Heavy Snow

Recently there have been heavy snow in my hometown. Here are some photos:   Turtle in the road:   Miss Snow White:   Statue:   Healthy people going to swim in the icy water:   Plum blossoms (China's national flower) in full bloom in the snow:   But I hope that the heavy snow will not last long, as it has caused severe problems for the traffic.   A gas station in Wuhan, capital of central China's Hubei Province, collapsed, crushing a person to death and injuring another



Shanghai Metro

Shanghai Metro   7 metro lines have been put to operation in Shanghai, plus a maglev line, connecting the suburbs with the center of the city.   I like traveling by metro. One of the major reasons is that it is punctual, unless there is a breakdown of the train, which can be fixed within a few minutes or a dozen minutes. But be sure not to get up too late, the trains run at longer intervals in off hours.   Another reason is that whatever is outside, be it pouring rain or scorching sun



Farewell, Netscape

Recently I came across the news that the Netscape team has given up their work on the Netscape web browsers, and it turns out to be true. Please click here to view the details.   I have heard about the Netscape browser, but never used it, which is said to be very popular in 1990s. Anyway, they are giving up their efforts. I seldom used computer in the 1990s. When I started to use the computer and have the Internet access, the only web browsers I heard was Internet Explorer (5.0 at that time).



New Year Resolution

1. Change my job 2. Secret 3. Improve my English / German / Russian skills 4. Master Adobe Framemaker and Microsoft Visio 5. Help one of my friends find a girlfriend 6. Further enhance my table tennis skills



The Person We Should Thank most in 2007

It is indeed the holiday season now. As a tradition, we send and receive a large amount of short messages recently. Today I received such a message from an old friend of mine:   The end of the year is drawing close. Who is the person that you should thank most in the year 2007? Who has given you a guide when you are at a loss? Who has ignited your life that would otherwise have been commonplace? Please do not blurt out my name. Be low-profile... Be low-profile...   It is just a witty message



On the Move again

Long before our lease contract became due, the landlord sent me a message: "We are not ready to renew the leasing contract when it expires. You have to look for another house elsewhere."   It is very upsetting to receive such a message, and what's more, the message is presented in such an impolite way. But she is the owner of the house and can do whatever she wants unless it is in accordance with the law.   Last Sunday she and her husband came here with a man, talking about upholstery. She



New Job

"You should also finish the Server Administration Guide by the end of this week." "OK." "And you have to keep in mind who your target audience is, because you will train them in server administration and maintenance." "But it is difficult for me at the moment." "Then you have to learn," said the CTO (Chief Technology Officer), patting me on the back.   A year ago, if someone told me that I would go abroad and train the foreign engineers in server-related stuff, I would have thought it was



12:00 pm - noon or midnight?

This is an English teaching entry targeting at Chinese readers.   What does 12:00 pm mean? Most Chinese people will think that 12:00 pm means midnight and 12:00 am means noon. It is wrong.   One of my colleagues got an Email before our CEO: Please give me a release before 12:00 pm Beijing Time.   She was still working on it at 13:00 when CEO called and asked why she had not given the release. She answered that she thought that 12:00 meant midnight.   What American Heritage Dictionary sa



Four Greatest Chinese Legends

The four greatest Chinese legends are: the Butterfly Lovers, Madame White Snake, the Weaving Maid and the Cowherd, and Mengjiangnu.   1. The Butterfly Lovers Among these four legends, this one is the most popular.   What Wikipedia says about the Butterfly Lovers:     This story is regarded as the Chinese Romeo and Juliet. Operas, TV series, motion pictures, etc. have been based on this story. The music is as famous as, if not more famous than, the story itself. The story inspired the pr



No Title

No title, as the two pieces of news say it all.   News One: Unilever Becomes 1st Foreign Firm to Plant Trees in Three Gorges Area     News Two: Pollution by foreign companies comes to attention of China government  



Three Gorges: the Biggest Dam or Damn

Recently there is some criticism about the environmental problems caused by the Three Gorges Dam, the biggest dam in the world, and the biggest building project since the Great Wall of China, which started 2500 years ago. Even one of my friends wrote a blog entry, in which he describes the project as a complete flop and predicts that the project will be blasted, due to severe environmental problems the project will cause.   Being no water expert, I cannot give answers to such questions as how



Some Pictures about the SCO Summit

Last year, I worked as a volunteer interpreter for the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Summit, which was held on June 15 and 16 in Shanghai. Here are some pictures I'd like to share with you:      



Time of Your Life

This is a training course in a foreign company, for which some of my friends work.   As I have not attended this training session myself, I can make some presumptions based on my friends' blogs.     This calculation is by no means precise, as 7-8 hours of sleep and an hour of meal time every day must be excluded from this effective time. And few people would be happy with the thought that their life would end on their 70th birthday.       It appears to me that this point is based on t



Test Paper for Post-Graduate School Candidates of English Studies

Here is the test paper for post-graduate school candidates of English studies in our university in the year 2005. There are five subjects (total score: 500), and comprehensive English is one of them. The time limit for this test is 3 hours. In order to succeed in the test, one has to get at least 115~120 marks out of 150.   If you are interested, give it a shot.   It is advised that you download the pictures and magnify them a bit.   Address: http://www.bababian.com/set/3/91C8EFBD0AE6.



My Favorite Russian Songs

I got my bachelor's degree in Russian in the year 2003. It is a real pity that I seldom use Russian since then. But I like listening to Russian and Soviet folk songs and can sing many of them.   Here is a list of my favorite Russian songs (in no particular order):   Тройка (Troika) Огонёк (Light/Lamp Light) Подмосковные вечера (Moscow Nights) Катюша (Katiusha) Ой, цветёт калина (Red Plum Blossom in Bloom) В моей душе покоя нет (I Am not Calm in my Heart) Миллион алых роз (A Million Ros



My Favorite French Chanson

I don't speak French, therefore, I seldom listen to French songs. Yesterday, when I was reading others' blogs, some French songs were played. They are so nice!   My favorite French chanson is : Ce train qui s'en va.   The lyrics:     Even the French version (Le temps du muguet) of the famous Russian song Подмосковные вечера is so nice. By the way, does any one know the English or German lyrics of this song. If you do, please let me know.   I like French female voices very much. Is i



The Broken Bridge

September 10th is the Teachers' Day in China, therefore, much is written about teachers in early September each year in newspapers, websites, etc.   Today I will share with you a short story. It isn't long, but it is moving enough.   In a small county in western China's Sichuan Province, a teacher lay in a river, letting students stepped on his back as a substitute for the bridge, which was damaged by floods. This scene was shot by someone and was uploaded onto the Internet. The author of t



Collection of the Most Interesting Signatures

This entry will be reserved for a collection of the most interesting signatures, which will be updated regularly.   1. Two heads are better than one...on the pillow   2. SELECT [money] INTO [my].[pocket] FROM [China].[dbo].[bank] ORDER BY [balance] DESC   3. VIP - very interesting person   To be continued...



Group Interview

Group Interview   Today I took part in a group interview - the first group interview that I've ever had. It was great fun. We - five boys, three girls went to a consultant firm for the application for the position of foreign sales executive.   The job descriptions for this position are as follows: -Sell over the telephone to decision makers from 500 fortune companies all over the world -Responsible for event delegate sell -Collect problems generated -Collect business information such



Goodbye, Dow

Goodbye, Dow   A Chinese employee from HP wrote a quite famous book Leaving HP with a Smile, which says that when an employee is leaving HP, he/she will have a smile on his/her face because of HP's human approach to management. The Dow Chemical Company is even better known as a humanized company to work for. But the day I left Dow, I did not have a smile on my face, instead I was holding back my tears, as there are too many good memories that I cannot leave behind:   *On Board A group p



Die Chinesische Weisheit

Das Folgende ist einige der am häufigsten zitierten chinesischen Aussprüche und Sprichwörter:   Ein edler Mann muss einen festen und unbändigen Willen haben, denn er hat sich ein hohes Ziel gesetzt und einen langen Weg zurückzulegen. Ist es kein hohes Ziel, wenn er Menschenliebe als Pflicht betrachtet? Ist es kein langer Weg, wenn er diese Pflicht bis zu seinem letzten Atemzug tut?   Die Welt ist sein Heim, er fand seinen richtigen Platz. Im Handeln lässt er sich vom großen Tao leiten. Werde



The Chinese Wisdom

These are among the most frequently quoted Chinese sayings and proverbs, some of which are on learning, some on morality cultivation, some on relationship between people, and others on ruling a nation.   If two people are of the same mind, their sharpness can cut through metal.   It is a true great man whom no money and rank can confuse, no poverty and hardship can shake, and no power and force can suffocate.   A huge tree that fills one’s arms grows from a tiny seedling; a nine-storied to



Saying Good-bye to Alma Mater Again

Within a few days, I will move out of campus and rent an apartment. I got my master's and bachelor's degree from the same university, between which I worked for a year. Therefore, it is the second time that I left my Alma Mater, which reminds me of a very famous Chinese poem, written by a distinguished Chinese poet for his Alma Mater. I had thought of adapting the poem, but I fear that I might spoil it, therefore I cite the poem here:       Here are some pictures of our university. The form



Computer Language in the Eye of A Language Student

Do students of languages and those of computer science take different approaches when it comes to computer learning? The answer is probably yes.   To give an example. When I, a fresh graduate who has just got the M.A. Degree in English Language and Literature, first started to learn Visual Basic for Applications, I took every line of code as English grammar sentences.   Sub AlertUser(value) If value = 0 Then AlertLabel.ForeColor = vbRed AlertLabel.Font.Bold = True AlertLabel.Font.Italic



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