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My Favorite Russian Songs


1 373 просмотра

I got my bachelor's degree in Russian in the year 2003. It is a real pity that I seldom use Russian since then. But I like listening to Russian and Soviet folk songs and can sing many of them.


Here is a list of my favorite Russian songs (in no particular order):


Тройка (Troika)

Огонёк (Light/Lamp Light)

Подмосковные вечера (Moscow Nights)

Катюша (Katiusha)

Ой, цветёт калина (Red Plum Blossom in Bloom)

В моей душе покоя нет (I Am not Calm in my Heart)

Миллион алых роз (A Million Roses)

Дороженька (Path/On the Road)

Хороши весной в саду цветочки (Flowers in the Garden in Full Bloom in Spring)

В низенькой светелке (Spnning Maid)


There are Chinese versions for all these songs and I'd like to share them with you sometime. :) Or I will sing, record and upload them to make sure there is no copy right infringement. :(

And some of the translations are not very good, I have to admit. :)


Other popular Russian songs in China include:

Стоп! Стоп! Стоп! (Stop! Stop! Stop!) (because a famous Chinese singer sings the Chinese version)

Такого как Путин (You all know this song: To Marry a Man like Putin)

Витас (Vitas' songs)

Vitas is quite popular in China and he has given concerts in China this year. Many Chinese fans try to sing Vitas' songs although they do not speak Russian. But his songs are beyond me.

2 Комментария

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I love Pugacheva's one million roses, a friend i met in Mongolia taught it to me on a bumpy ride back to the capital. Pity you dont use your Russian much



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I love Pugacheva's one million roses, a friend i met in Mongolia taught it to me on a bumpy ride back to the capital. Pity you dont use your Russian much




Yes, that's a very nice song, and I can sing it.

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