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Вирус шифровальщик

Вадим Масловский

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Вирус зашифровал все файлы помогите их восстонавить

вот такой текст появился Support e-mail: suppteam01@india.com suppteam01@yandex.ru 

Your personal files encryption produced on this computer: photos, videos, documents, etc. 
Encryption was produced using a unique public key RSA-2048 generated for this computer. 

To decrypt files you need to obtain the private key. 

The single copy of the private key, which will allow to decrypt the files, 
located on a secret server on the Internet; the server will destroy the key after 120 hours. 

After that nobody and never will be able to restore files. 

To obtain the private key for this computer, you need pay 0.5 Bitcoin (~319 USD) 


Your Bitcoin address: 


You must send 0.5 Bitcoin to the specified address and report it to e-mail customer support. 

In the letter must specify your Bitcoin address to which the payment was made. 


The most convenient tool for buying Bitcoins in our opinion is the site: 


There you can buy Bitcoins in your country in any way you like, including electronic payment systems, 
credit and debit cards, money orders, and others. 

Instructions for purchasing Bitcoins on account localbitcoins.comread here: 


Video tutorial detailing on buying Bitcoins using the site localbitcoins.com here: 


How to withdraw Bitcoins from account localbitcoins.com to our bitcoin wallet: 


Also you can use to buy Bitcoins these sites: 

https://www.bitstamp.net/ - Big BTC exchanger 
https://www.coinbase.com/ - Other big BTC exchanger 
https://www.moneypakforbitcoins.us/ - Buy BTC via Green Dot MoneyPak 
https://btcdirect.eu/ - Best for Europe 
https://coincafe.com/ - Recommended for fast, many payment methods 
https://bittylicious.com/ - Good service for Europe and World 
https://www.247exchange.com/ - Other exchanger


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https://[url=http://forum.kasperskyclub.ru/index.php?showtopic=43640]Порядок оформления запроса о помощи[/url]


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