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sjoeii's Blog

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Kaspersky Maniac

Записи в этом блоге


Hi I'm back. For a couple of days now I'm trying to get a good deal on a iPhone. I'm a real gadget freak. I allready bought one on eBay last week but the guy just left will all his fake iPhones. Now I'm trying to buy one on our dutch version of ebay called marktplaats. But they all want a big prize for it. Maybe one of you know a good and safe place where I can buy?   I will keep looking.........................



Happy New Year

I haven't been that active in the blog lately. I simple don't have the time. Got a new Job, work over here for kaspersky is always busy, daughter was very ill.   But right now we got a new year! New rounds new chances!   So for now I say to everyone. HAPPY NEW YEAR! Let's enjoy Kaspersky to the fullest



Life is great

Life is really great. Started a new job two months ago. Is Business is going great. Still in Sales. Still in ICT. Selling all kinds of stuff from different great vendors. Pitty Kaspersky isn't one of them.     Besides that KAV 8 Alpha has started. And I like it. Next generation it is indeed. We'll see what happens next



My Life

Recently I started a new job at a company who provide services to Cisco and his partners. My job is the Sales Manager. I really don't have any experience with Cisco so it is a bit difficult to learn. Part of that I'm very busy with a Sales plan for the company and the account managers. Well not complaining it really is a lot of fun.   This week I passed for my Cisco Sales Expert exam so that's in the pocket as well.   Now up for my first big deal.   Important appointment coming up tommor



First part

Hi All   This is my first story on the KL Fan Club forum. As a matter of fact my first story ever on a blog. I'm from Amsterdam and I was born and raised here. I love living in Holland. Lot's of party and fun. I'm writing this and I really don't know what to say. What do people want to know from me? That I live in Amsterdam? If I'm married or not? How old I am? Where do I work? Why Kaspersky? Maybe everything but maybe nothing.   I'm from Holland. Do I put some Dutch over here? Maybe peo



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