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How can I restore my files encrypted with ribd virus? Can you recommend any tools? 


Thanks in advance!


Сообщение от модератора Mark D. Pearlstone
Внимательно читайте правила разделов! Евгений Касперский не оказывает помощь по продуктам и не помогает вылечиться от вирусов.
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      От ГГеоргий
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      error code 0xc00000f 
       "The operating system couldnt be loaded because a critical driver  missing or contains error" File: \Windows\System32\DRIVERS\Klelam.sys.
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      От Iddinz
      Hi... Is there anyone can help me with this kind of Ransomware with extension .3R9qG8i3Z. Please guide me how to decrypt my file that been infected with this virus.. 
          ~~~ PC Locker 3.0 by Mr.Robot~~~
      >>>> Your data are stolen and encrypted
          To get your files back you will have to pay a one-time fee of $45 in bitcoin or monero.

      >>>> You need contact us and decrypt one file for free on these platforms with your personal DECRYPTION ID
          Contact the following account on telegram
          or paste this link in your browser
      >>>> Your personal DECRYPTION ID: 4B75BFA39AA770FCE8B6C4C67E83BE3F
      >>>> Warning! Do not DELETE or MODIFY any files, it can lead to recovery problems!
      >>>> Warning! If you do not pay the ransom you will not receive you files NO EXCEPTIONS!
      >>>> Warning! Any attempt to negotiate or you don't want to pay is INSTANT BLOCK!
      >>>> Advertisement
          Would you like to earn thousands of dollars $$$ ?
          We sell mentorship for stealers, DDOS and ransomware.
          We only work with professionals and people with money DO NOT WASTE OUR TIME.
      Example of file name which been infected...
      1. Agihan Tudung 2023.xlsx.3R9qG8i3Z
      2. Cadangan Kekerapan Kontena.pdf.3R9qG8i3Z
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