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pisunellakonososeila@onionmail.org помогите расшифровать

Рекомендуемые сообщения

Добрый день! В поймал вируса шифровальщика помогите раскодировать файлы или дайте чем распаковать 

Нашёл по-моему исходники  этого вируса надеюсь помогут Вам а вы поможете расшифровать мои все файлы 

Ссылка на сам вирус и зашифрованный файл пароль 1111 




нашел файлы одинаквые только один оригинал а второй зашифрован 




Текст сообщения вот таков 

Don't worry,you can return all your files!
Your unique ID: fQF0f3VNCwk8fusQpJ0B1qkppZZmMU2G195Kla2ZLRY*pisunellakonososeila@onionmail.org
If you want to restore them :
1) Send your unique id fQF0f3VNCwk8fusQpJ0B1qkppZZmMU2G195Kla2ZLRY*pisunellakonososeila@onionmail.org and max 3 files for test decryption
1.1)TOX messenger (fast and anonimous)
Install qtox
press sign up
create your own name
Press plus
Put there my tox ID
And add me/write message
1.2)ICQ Messenger
ICQ live chat which works 24/7 - @pisunellakonososeila
Install ICQ software on your PC here https://icq.com/windows/ or on your smartphone search for "ICQ" in Appstore / Google market
Write to our ICQ @pisunellakonososeila https://icq.im/pisunellakonososeila
pisunellakonososeila decryption
1.4)Mail (write only in critical situations bcs your email may not be delivered or get in spam)
* pisunellakonososeila@onionmail.org

In subject line please write your decryption ID: fQF0f3VNCwk8fusQpJ0B1qkppZZmMU2G195Kla2ZLRY*pisunellakonososeila@onionmail.org

2) After decryption, we will send you the decrypted files and a unique bitcoin wallet for payment.
3) After payment ransom for Bitcoin, we will send you a decryption program and instructions.ALSO WE WILL GIVE YOU ADVICES TO DO SERVERS SAFE AND WHERE WAS YOUR MISTAKE
 If we can decrypt your files, we have no reason to deceive you after payment. 

Can I get a discount?
    Yes,if you pay during 48h after encryption. We will decode them for free as proof.
What is Bitcoin?
    read bitcoin.org
Where to buy bitcoins?
https://www.alfa.cash/buy-crypto-with-credit-card (fastest way)
    or use google.com to find information where to buy it
Where is the guarantee that I will receive my files back?
    The very fact that we can decrypt your random files is a guarantee. It makes no sense for us to deceive you.
How quickly will I receive the key and decryption program after payment?
    As a rule, during 15 min
How does the decryption program work?
    It's simple. You need to run our software. The program will automatically decrypt all encrypted files on your HDD.
Do not rename encrypted files.
Do not try to decrypt your data using third party software, it may cause permanent data loss.
Decryption of your files with the help of third parties may cause increased price (they add their fee to our) or you can become a victim of a scam.


Строгое предупреждение от модератора Mark D. Pearlstone
Не публикуйте вредоносные файлы и ссылки на них.
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Поделиться на другие сайты



Прочтите и выполните Порядок оформления запроса о помощи


(Пара файлов помогает в очень редких случаях).

Впрочем, скорее всего это т.н. mimic и расшифровки нет.

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