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Вирус зашифровал jpg, doc, docx файлы в формат "CRYPT" что делать

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всех папкак где документы появился WARNING.txt и там написано>>>


Your identification number: 4847

E-mail to contact us: Johnathanaah614@hotmail.com


Your identification number: 4847


Your files with extentions (*.txt *.xls *.docx *.doc *.cer *.key *.rtf *.xlsx *.text *.ppt *.pdf *.cdx *.cdr *.js *.css *.asm *.jpg *.dbf *.mdb *.sql *.pgp)

and many othes have been blocked. To purchase unlock code please contact us: Johnathanaah614@hotmail.com Price 300 USD.If you attempt to remove the informer, you may lose all your files forever.



Q: How can I make sure that you can really decipher my files?

A: You can send one of ciphered file by email Johnathanaah614@hotmail.com (Indicate your ID in the message title),

in the response message you receive the deciphered file.




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