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Lets go OpenID

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As the technology and security junkies that we are :o i would like to start the initiative to add OpenID support to this forum (and later, once tested, also to the official KL forum)...

















Изменено пользователем saso
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first of i hope you understand that this is just an alternative login system...


of course the thing is quite new and i must also confess i don't know details about it, so for example i am not sure if it is possible for the admins of this forum to add this by them self or if we would have to ask the invisionboard guys to add it to their code...


however since i think we, the members of this forum, like advance new technologies and since OpenID seems to be quite a good one i wish i would see some more support and interest for this. i really wish some of the admins that have the possibilities to manage the forum software would look in to this and check the possibilities to add it.


as about the glenn comment about nicknames... again i must say that i don't know in details how OpenID works but it seems to me (and i hope) that it should be transparent enough that it should not make to much problems to add it.

Изменено пользователем saso
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